Sometimes doing search engine optimization (seo) can be tough with a purchased template. They tend to have hundreds of files to search through just to make a simple update. In addition, they can often load extremely slow which is bad for Google rankings.
Blaze Rite Chimney Services of Baldwinsville, NY started their web presence using such a template. It is a great way to get a company started for a reasonable price, but is not a long term solution. As the competition started to increase, this company looked at us to increase their traffic and rankings. One of the roadblocks that stood in our way was this purchased template. It was slow and took forever to make simple updates, which in turn leads to more expenses for the business and less productivity from your marketing agency.
As of September 18th, 2018, we have launched their new website. It has a similar design, yet includes many powerful added features that will help them benefit in the long run. The first thing we did was integrate a custom design into WordPress. Developing this website from scratch allowed us to pay closer attention to page speed as well as integrate various optimization techniques. As a result, their presence organically and locally will increase when their potential customers are searching for their services.
After reading this you might wonder, is this a one and done process? Now that their custom WordPress theme has been launched, we can continue to implement our expertise and strategy throughout the forthcoming months to optimize page speed, easily add more useful content, and most importantly update their website with ease without any further roadblocks.
If you have any questions about your website’s optimization, be sure to contact us anytime and we would be glad to run a free scan for you as well as educate you on what you can do to stay ahead of the competition.
Steve Vicario, Chief Technology Officer
Team V Technology
6114 State Route 31
Cicero, NY 13039